Demotivating Factors Affecting Undergraduate Learners of Non-English Majors Studying General English: A Case of Iranian EFL Context [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 41-61]
A Corpus-Based Study of the Lexical Make-up of Applied Linguistics Article Abstracts [Volume 32, Issue 2, 2013-2014, Pages 27-50]
Bilinguality vs. Monolinguality among Kalhuri Kurdish Speakers: Gender, Social Class and English Language Achievement [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 27-50]
Peer Reviewers’ Comments on Research Articles Submitted by Iranian Researchers [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 107-123]
Consistency Analysis
Acquisition of English Relative Clauses by Adult Persian Learners: Focus on Resumptive Pronouns [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 19-40]
The Disourse of War in the Middle East: Analysis of Syria's Civil Crises in English Editorials Published in Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 1-21]
The Effect of Four Different Types of Involvement Indices on Vocabulary Learning and Retention of EFL Learners [Volume 32, Issue 2, 2013-2014, Pages 1-26]
English Language Achievement
Bilinguality vs. Monolinguality among Kalhuri Kurdish Speakers: Gender, Social Class and English Language Achievement [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 27-50]
Online Processing of English Wh-Dependencies by Iranian EFL Learners [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 63-83]
Effects of Focus-on-Form(s) Instruction on Iranian Intermediate L2 Learners’ Metaphorical Competence Development [Volume 32, Issue 1, 2013-2014, Pages 1-17]
Effects of Focus-on-Form(s) Instruction on Iranian Intermediate L2 Learners’ Metaphorical Competence Development [Volume 32, Issue 1, 2013-2014, Pages 1-17]
A Corpus-Based Study of the Lexical Make-up of Applied Linguistics Article Abstracts [Volume 32, Issue 2, 2013-2014, Pages 27-50]
Ideological square
The Disourse of War in the Middle East: Analysis of Syria's Civil Crises in English Editorials Published in Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 1-21]
A New Look into the Construct Validity of the IELTS Speaking Module [Volume 32, Issue 1, 2013-2014, Pages 71-90]
Individual and collaborative planning
Individual and Collaborative Planning Conditions: Effects on Fluency, Complexity and Accuracy in L2 Argumentative Writing [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 85-110]
Interpretability Hypothesis
Acquisition of English Relative Clauses by Adult Persian Learners: Focus on Resumptive Pronouns [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 19-40]
Personality Development by means of Investment in L2 and its impact on EFL Proficiency: A survey of Iranian MA EFL students [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 83-105]
Involvement Load Hypothesis (ILH)
The Effect of Four Different Types of Involvement Indices on Vocabulary Learning and Retention of EFL Learners [Volume 32, Issue 2, 2013-2014, Pages 1-26]
Online Processing of English Wh-Dependencies by Iranian EFL Learners [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 63-83]
Iranian EFL learners
Modified output in task-based EFL classes across gender [Volume 32, Issue 2, 2013-2014, Pages 113-135]
Kalhuri Kurdish
Bilinguality vs. Monolinguality among Kalhuri Kurdish Speakers: Gender, Social Class and English Language Achievement [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 27-50]
Key words: Move structure
Interfaces of Macro and Microstructure in Academic Writing: The Case of Research Article Abstracts [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 111-138]
L2 fluency
Researching (Non) Fluent L2 Speakers’ Oral Communication Deficiencies: A Psycholinguistic Perspective [Volume 32, Issue 1, 2013-2014, Pages 45-70]
The Impact of Metacognitive Instruction on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension and Oral Language Proficiency [Volume 32, Issue 2, 2013-2014, Pages 69-90]
Metaphoric Competence
Effects of Focus-on-Form(s) Instruction on Iranian Intermediate L2 Learners’ Metaphorical Competence Development [Volume 32, Issue 1, 2013-2014, Pages 1-17]
Multiple intelligences
Exploring Language Learning Strategy Use: The Role of Multiple Intelligences, L2 Proficiency and Gender [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 41-64]
Persian EFL Learners
Acquisition of English Relative Clauses by Adult Persian Learners: Focus on Resumptive Pronouns [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 19-40]
Online Processing of English Wh-Dependencies by Iranian EFL Learners [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 63-83]
Reading comprehension
The Effect of Lexical Collocational Density on the Iranian EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension [Volume 32, Issue 1, 2013-2014, Pages 111-136]
Reading comprehension
The effect of peer and teacher scaffolding on the reading comprehension of EFL learners in asymmetrical and symmetrical groups [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 1-17]
Relative Clause
Acquisition of English Relative Clauses by Adult Persian Learners: Focus on Resumptive Pronouns [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 19-40]
Resumptive Pronoun
Acquisition of English Relative Clauses by Adult Persian Learners: Focus on Resumptive Pronouns [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 19-40]
Social Class
Bilinguality vs. Monolinguality among Kalhuri Kurdish Speakers: Gender, Social Class and English Language Achievement [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 27-50]
The Impact of Metacognitive Instruction on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension and Oral Language Proficiency [Volume 32, Issue 2, 2013-2014, Pages 69-90]
Exploring Language Learning Strategy Use: The Role of Multiple Intelligences, L2 Proficiency and Gender [Volume 32, Issue 3, 2013-2014, Pages 41-64]
Structural Equation Modeling
A New Look into the Construct Validity of the IELTS Speaking Module [Volume 32, Issue 1, 2013-2014, Pages 71-90]
The Effect of Four Different Types of Involvement Indices on Vocabulary Learning and Retention of EFL Learners [Volume 32, Issue 2, 2013-2014, Pages 1-26]
Vowel-recognition training
The Effect of English Vowel-Recognition Training on Beginner and Advanced Iranian ESL Learners [Volume 32, Issue 2, 2013-2014, Pages 51-67]
Online Processing of English Wh-Dependencies by Iranian EFL Learners [Volume 32, Issue 4, 2013-2014, Pages 63-83]
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