Motivational and Learning Strategies of Iranian EFL Learners Exposed to an E-Learning Program



1 Assistant Prof. of TEFL

2 Associate Prof. of TEFL


The purpose of this study was to expose a group of Iranian students to an e-Learning program and find out the effects of this exposure on their learning and motivation strategies. This study made an attempt to evaluate the degree of strategy use in both traditional and e-Learning modes of learning. Moreover, the effects of the e-Learning program of the participants of the study on learning strategies, motivation and volition regarding sex, age, educational degree and internet literacy were sought. The data for this study were collected from 100 Iranian EFL students (62 females and 38 males) who were exposed to an e-Learning class for a period of two months. The students were mostly mature and educated studying at university or holding a degree. This study used a translated and modified version of the MSLQ (Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire), a volitional questionnaire, a demography questionnaire and a series of interviews with the students and teachers involved in this research. Regarding the theoretical framework of the study, self-regulation was adopted. The data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively to find out the changes the students might undergo moving from conventional mode of learning to e-Learning and get some insights for prospective e-Learning programs in Iran. 


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