Document Type : Research Paper


1 English Department, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Shahr-e-Kord University, Saman Road, Shahr-e-Kord.

2 Shahrekord University


Teachers can influence the complex process of learning in education, in general, and in second/foreign language (L2) learning in particular. In this light, understanding the factors influencing teachers’ pedagogical success can help L2 teachers achieve more effective teaching. This study then investigated the role of spiritual intelligence (SI) in L2 teachers’ pedagogical success. In so doing, it explored the relationship between teachers’ SI and their L2 pedagogical success assessed by students. Additionally, it examined the extent to which SI could contribute to L2 teachers’ pedagogical success. To these ends, following a sequential mixed-methods design, quantitative data were gathered through Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (SIQ) and Characteristics of Successful Teachers’ Questionnaire (CSTQ) from a sample of 130 EFL (English as a foreign language) teachers and 780 EFL learners respectively. Semi-structured interviews with 45 EFL teachers, classroom observation, and syllabus analysis were also used to triangulate the qualitative data. The results of Pearson product correlation coefficients revealed a significant and positive relationship between SI and L2 teachers’ pedagogical success. Also, multiple regression indicated a unique and moderately high contribution of three components of SI (transcendent self-realization, spiritual experiences, and patience) to the teachers ‘pedagogical success. Moreover, follow-up qualitative analysis indicated that the more spiritually intelligent teachers were more responsible, courageous, creative, confident and conscious; they were better at interpersonal relationship and less anxious about pursuing their educational goals. Such findings imply that high level of SI can help L2 teachers promote their success and, in turn, improve their students’ L2 achievement in classroom.


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