Reflective Teaching through Videotaping in an English Teaching Course in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


University of Isfahan


The purpose of this study was to investigate videotaping as a strategy for EFL teachers’ reflective teaching. To this end, eight participants were selected from a language institute in Iran and were under investigation for over a period of one month and a half. The data were triangulated from different sources: videotaping; self-reflection sheets; and semi-structured interviews. The analysis of in situdata suggested that there is a significant difference between teachers’ self-evaluations of their own teaching process at the beginning and end of the semester. Results also demonstrated that the contents of reflective teaching can be summarized into a framework including eight categories of communication patterns in the classroom, the affective climate of the classroom, classroom management, error correction, teacher’s physical appearance, teaching techniques and strategies, professional development, and teacher’s command of English. The current study may have some enticing implications for EFL teachers, materials developers, teacher trainers and syllabus designers.


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