Examining 'Assessment Literacy in Practice' in an Iranian Context: Does it Differ for Instructors and Learners?

Document Type : Research Paper


Shiraz University


The study reported here is survey research that aims to examine the assessment literacy (AL) of the instructors (N=12) as well as graduate and postgraduate students (N=46) in the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics at Shiraz University. To this end, interview questions were designed using Pastore and Andrade's (2019) three-dimensional AL framework. The questions, having been field-tested and their validity having been approved by three experts, were used to interview the participants. The interviews were transcribed and idea units in them were specified and coded according to a coding scheme designed based on Pastore and Andrade (2019).  At the conceptual dimension, the results suggested that most of the participants in both groups believed in the learning potential of assessment, and most of the instructors used multiple tasks throughout the term to gather on the students' learning, especially at the MA and Ph.D. levels. At the praxiological dimension that concerned the integration of assessment with instruction, the students mentioned using the results of summative assessment to alter their studying approach, while only a few instructors used assessment results to modify their teaching practices. At the socio-emotional dimension, discrepancies existed among the instructors and between instructors and learners in how ethical issues should be observed in assessment. The results are discussed, and implications are provided for designing teacher education programs and for future research.


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