Exploring Iranian EFL Teachers’ Critical Thinking Dispositions and Reflective Teaching

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of English, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 University of Tehran

3 Department of Foreign Languages and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch, Alborz, Iran


To effectively and reflectively impart knowledge to their students, Iranian EFL teachers should cultivate their critical thinking dispositions (CTDs). Therefore, the aim of this mixed-methods study is twofold: Firstly, to explore how CTDs and their role in reflective teaching (RT) are addressed and perceived among EFL teachers, and secondly, to explore the interplay between EFL teachers’ CTDs and RT. To do so, 303 Iranian EFL teachers participated in this study. The data collection instruments were two questionnaires, namely CT dispositions and RT questionnaires, and a semi-structured interview. Upon collecting the data, Pearson correlations and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using AMOS 20 were used to analyze the quantitative data. Moreover, the descriptive qualitative content analysis technique was used to analyze the qualitative data. The quantitative findings indicated that the largest statistically significant value, which identified the strength of the relationships between CTDs and RT, was attributed to integrity. This value showed that the integrity explains 13 percent of the variance in RT scores based on Regression Weights for RT and CTDs. The second significant variable was perseverance, which explained six percent of the variance in RT scores. Courage and humility variables also explain one percent of the variance in RT scores. Moreover, the qualitative results indicated that CTDs played a significant role in Iranian EFL teachers’ RT practices. The findings may have implications for the Iranian EFL stakeholders, EFL teachers, and EFL teacher training programs.


Main Subjects

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