The Interplay between Iranian EFL Learners’ Motivational Selves and Their Sociopragmatic and Pragmalinguistic Competence: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


English Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran.


Despite the surge of interest in exploring the interface between second/foreign-language (L2) learners’ pragmatics and motivational profiles, empirical research that holistically captures their interrelationship remains in its infancy. The current study explored the interplay between L2 learners’ motivational selves and their sociopragmatic and pragmalinguistic competence using structural equation modeling (SEM). It sought to elucidate the mechanisms within the theoretical framework of the L2 Motivational Self-System that underpin this relationship. A cohort of 260 participants learning English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) from three public universities in Iran was assessed using an online L2 motivation questionnaire and an oral discourse completion test (ODCT) to evaluate their L2 motivational selves as well as sociopragmatic and pragmalinguistic knowledge. The SEM analysis indicated that the learners’ sociopragmatics and pragmalinguistics were associated with some motivational subcomponents. Specifically, the students’ Ideal L2 Self exhibited significant positive predictive power in relation to their sociopragmatics. Their L2 Learning Experience contributed significantly to their pragmalinguistic knowledge. However, the participants’ Ought-to L2 Self appeared to predict their sociopragmatics negatively. Overall, those students who possessed a more robust Ideal L2 Self and an enriched L2 Learning Experience exhibited greater sensitivity to sociopragmatic and pragmalinguistic aspects and demonstrated better pragmatic production. Conversely, their Ought-to L2 Self which is inundated with obligations had a preventative function. These findings underscore the significance of integrating motivational constructs into L2 language pedagogy to enhance the learners’ Ideal L2 Self and their L2 Learning Experience, thereby optimizing their performance pragmatically.


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