Document Type : Research Paper


Department of English, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The present study was conducted to investigate the impact of using computer-aided argument mapping (CAAM) on the improvement of Iranian learners’ writing self-regulation. To this end, 90 participants out of 127 senior university students in English translation were selected after administrating language proficiency test, as well as an essay writing test for the purpose of homogenizing the learners. Then all participants completed the self-regulation questionnaire in writing skill. As the homogeneity of responses was checked, the participants were randomly categorized into three equal groups as control, experimental 1, and experimental 2. During the course, as the participants in the experimental groups accomplished their writing assignments via CAAM software (in person and in pairs), the participants in the control group did their assignments traditionally. At the end of the course, all participants completed the same writing self-regulation questionnaire again. Using SPSS 21, the one-way ANOVA statistical procedure was utilized to determine the effectiveness of CAAM on writing self-regulation. The findings revealed that using CAAM in writing classes improved learners’ self-regulation. Moreover, the Post-Hoc statistical procedure between two experimental groups showed that collaborative learning in a computer hands-on learning environment led to higher writing self-regulation.


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