Document Type : Research Paper


English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran


Game-based learning and the use of Artificial Intelligence in education is a powerful way to enhance learning and provide content that has been underrated in the Iranian context. This study designed an educational video game under the name of Lost p to improve learners’ writing ability based on a process based-approach within Dynamic Assessment context. Thus, the researcher employed experimental design and used the designed video game as a medium of instruction for the experimental group. The control group received a teacher-oriented method and both groups received feedback and corrections based on the Aljaafreh & Lantolf (1994) self-regulatory scale. The result of the study shows that the experimental group outperformed learners in the control class. We found that teaching paragraph writing rules, such as drafting, getting idea techniques, topic sentence development, and integrating them with the elements of the game were entertaining for the gamified group. To explore players’ attitudes toward the game, a semi-structured interview was conducted that showed differences between gamified and non-gamified writing tasks in the post-test phase of the research since the experimental group’s writing scores were enhanced in the second phase of the study. Moreover, this study suggests L2 learners and teachers can adapt game thinking and elements of games to their educational practice.


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