Document Type : Research Paper
1 Department of English, Faculty of Literature, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
2 MA in TEFL, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
3 PhD in Psychology, Bidar Counseling Center
Positive Language Education (PLE) has emerged as a significant area of focus within foreign language education. Despite the growing scholarly interest in this approach, the application of Positive Psychology (PP) themes within language curricula, particularly in non-Western educational contexts, remains underexplored. In this qualitative study, the researchers explored the potential benefits of embedding PP content within a General English course. Drawing on established well-being themes from the literature—such as gratitude, resilience, emotion regulation, altruism, creativity, and life’s meaning—the researchers designed and implemented a series of activities and materials incorporating multimodal resources, including texts, audio recordings, and video clips across diverse genres (e.g., fiction and non-fiction). The study was conducted with a cohort of 85 Iranian female undergraduate students, enrolled in a General English course at a state university in Tehran., Iran Data were collected over the course of a semester through a combination of methods: classroom observations, analysis of student-generated materials, and in-depth semi-structured interviews with a selected number of participants. Thematic analysis of the collected data revealed that the integration of well-being themes and activities fostered the development of both linguistic and non-linguistic competencies, including enhanced positive self-expression, introspective self-reflection, well-being literacy, and the cultivation of a foreign language growth mindset. The findings highlight the multidimensional benefits of integrating PP principles into foreign language education, and provide implications for language educators, with practical recommendations for pedagogy, curriculum design, and the development of instructional materials that prioritize both linguistic and psychological well-being.
- Positive Psychology (PP)
- Foreign Language Education
- Positive Language Education (PLE)
- Well-being Literacy
- Growth Mindset
Main Subjects